The Annual sports meet of 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 College of Nursing, MAHE was held on Saturday 05th March 2022, with great passion and enthusiasm. The students were grouped into four groups namely Topaz, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. The inauguration began at 8.30 am in MIT Athletic Ground. Dr Judith A Noronha, Dean, MCON welcomed and introduced the Chief Guest Dr Ullas Kamath, Dean, Melaka 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Medical College, MAHE, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 to the gathering. All four groups marched coupled with thrilling music by the band of T A Pai English Medium High School, Kunjibettu, Udupi. The chief guest took the salute of the impressive march past of the students. The college flag was held by the student sports chairperson Ms Tenzin Dekhyi and led all the four march past groups. The students entered into the spirit of the occasion in a grand way with the oath being administered by the student sports chairperson. The chief guest addressed the gathering emphasizing the prominence of sports in life and declared the 31st MCON Annual Sports Meet open. Five of the best athletes of MCON took part in the lamp lighting ceremony. The best march past trophy was awarded to the group Emerald based on the evaluation by the judges. Dr Melita Sheilini, faculty sports advisor, MCON proposed the vote of thanks for the inaugural program.
Many events were conducted for students of MCON as well as for the faculty. The events held for the students were 100mtrs, 200mtrs, 400mtrs, 800mtrs, 1500mtrs race, Long jump, High jump, Discuss throw, Shot put, Javeline throw, 4x100 mtrs relay as well as 4x100 mtrs mixed relay. The faculty events were 100 mtrs race, Discuss throw, Shot put, Javeline throw and Bomb in the city. Also, a staff vs students throwball match was held and staff were the winners.
All the students and the faculty took part in the events with steep determination and interest. Once the events began the air was filled with cheering and encouragement for the participants. The winners of track events were awarded medals and certificates and the winners of the intra-college events such as carom, throwball, volleyball, basketball, football, badminton and table tennis were awarded certificates and trophies.
The valedictory program was conducted at 4 pm. Dr Tessy Treesa Jose, Associate Dean, MCON welcomed and introduced the chief guest Dr Shobha M Erappa, Joint Secretary, Sports Council, MAHE to the gathering. Chief Guest in her address emphasized the importance of determination and the positive mindset which is required for the success of any activity. She narrated her success story of the adventure race of Asia series in 20hrs that she has completed recently which actually was a booster for many of the students. The overview of the sports activities of 2021-22 was briefed by Ms Tenzin Dekhyi the student Sports Chairperson. The individual championship was awarded to Mr Joel Johnson, 1st year BSc (N) student from Topaz group and Ms Swidal Mendonca, 4th year BSc(N) student from Sapphire group. The overall championship was awarded to the group Emerald. Mrs Sweety J Fernandes, faculty sports co-advisor, MCON delivered the vote of thanks to the gathering. The event successfully ended at 5 pm with the National Anthem sung by the entire audience.