5-Day Virtual Lecture Series on “Translating 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 into Practice (TRIP): Shifting Paradigm for Clinical Practice”

The Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 College of Nursing, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 organized 5 days Virtual Lecture Series on “Translating 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 into Practice (TRIP): Shifting Paradigm for Clinical Practice. This was funded by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SCLS Grant)”. The inaugural program of this 5-day virtual lecture series was held on 1st March 2022 between 3.30 – 4.00 pm followed by the first-day session. Dr Prachi Kaul, Director, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi, the Chief Guest for the programme addressed the participants during the inaugural program. The lecture series aimed to emphasize the efficient translation of research into clinical practice for the benefit of patient care by enhancing the knowledge on Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 its processes, models, challenges, and strategies.

The lecture series 1 on “Translation 亚洲通_亚洲通官网: Overview” was delivered by Dr Anice George, Professor & Head of 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 & Collaboration, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 College of Nursing, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Academy of Higher Education, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网, India held on 1st March 2022 between 4.00 to 5.00 pm (IST). She gave a brief overview of translational research its meaning, definition, phases, and implementation process. Furthermore, she enlightened that translation research is the need of the hour which could help the health care professionals to conduct meaningful and applicable research that could result in quick and efficient translation of research into clinical practice for benefit of the patient care.

The second lecture series on “The Process of Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网” was conducted on March 2nd, 2022 between 4.00 to 5.00 pm (IST). Prof. (Dr.) Manju Chhugani, Dean, School of Nursing Science and Allied Health, Head of Department – Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, India discussed Translation science as a relatively young area of investigation, which is rapidly growing. She further elaborated on Translation science, also known as implementation science, as testing interventions to improve uptake and use of evidence to improve patient outcomes and population health.

The lecture series 3 on “Models of Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网” was delivered by Dr Mahadev Rao, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Co-ordinator, Center for Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网, India held on 3rd March 2022 between 4.00 to 5.00 pm (IST). He enlightened the participants that the transitional research model is intended to provide a benchmark to assess the impact of research that applies scientific findings to enhance public health and well-being.

The fourth lecture series on “Challenges and Strategies in Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Practice” was held on 4th March 2022 between 6.30 to 7.30 pm (IST). Dr. Praveen P Nekkar Rao, Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Science, School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences Campus, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada was the speaker. He addressed the barriers that can curb productivity and the swift translation of research into new health care advances. Furthermore, he focused on the promotion of multidisciplinary collaboration among laboratory and clinical researchers as a strategy for the initiation and conduction of translational research in the nursing discipline.

The lecture series 5 on “Nurse-led Translational 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 studies: Learning from experts” was delivered by Dr Sandhya Gupta, Health Consultant, Former Principal (Actg), and Associate Professor, College of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India held on 5th March 2022 between 6.00 to 7.00 pm (IST). She presented the various translational research studies which were conducted in national and international settings. Moreover, she focused on the best translational research which was implemented in healthcare settings during the pandemic. Furthermore, she encouraged the participants to conduct more meaningful and applicable research that would benefit human health.

All the sessions were interactive and, participants clarified their doubts related to various aspects of translational research. An average of 85 participants including national and international delegates attended the lecture series.