Dr. Anujith Kumar


亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Institute of Regenerative Medicine

Qualification: PhD


    Associate Professor in the?亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Institute of Regenerative Medicine.



Subject Semester / Year
Basics of Pluripotency First Semester
Translation First Semester
Stem cell niches Second Semester
Pancreatic development Second Semester
Endoderm differentiation Second Semester
Myocardial Infarction Third Semester
Diabetes Third Semester
Genetic diseases Third Semester


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Biochemistry Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 2008
MSc Biochemistry Kuvempu University 1997
BSc Life Sciences Kuvempu University 1994


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Bengaluru Assistant Professor 2011-Present


Area of Interest

Induced pluripotent stem cells, Trans-differentiation of adult cells to neuronal cells, Neuronal Disease modelling, Study of insulin secreting b-cell physiology

Area of Expertise

Induced pluripotent stem cells, Generation of neurons and b-cells from pluripotent stem cells, Genetic engineering to correct the disease phenotype

Area of 亚洲通_亚洲通官网

Cellular Physiology, Reprogramming, Disease Modelling

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Member of the Society of Biological chemists
  • Member of the 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Society for Stem Cell 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 (ISSCR)

Work Experience

Organisation Role Tenure
Biocon India Ltd Quality Control 1998-1999

Cyclosporine A-Mediated IL-6 Expression Promotes Neural Induction in Pluripotent Stem Cells. Molecular Neurobiology

2017 Jun 16. (IF-4.6) Ashwini A Naganur SS Smitha B Sheshadri P Prasanna J Kumar A

Human Mesenchymal stem cells program macrophage plasticity by altering their metabolic status via a PGE(2)-dependent mechanism.

Scientific Reports. (2016); 2(6):38308. (IF- 4.0) Vasandan AB Jahnavi S Shashank C Prasad P Kumar A Prasanna SJ

Carvalho CM, Bagni C, Ramocki MB, Araujo BH, Torres LB, Lupski JR, Van Esch H, Muotri AR. Altered neuronal network and rescue in a human MECP2 duplication model.

Molecular Psychiatry. 2016 Feb; 21(2):178-88. (IF-11.9) Nageshappa S Carromeu C Trujillo CA Mesci P Espuny-Camacho I Pasciuto E Vanderhaeghen P Verfaillie CM Raitano S Kumar A

Novel role of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase in STAT3 dependent pluripotency of mouse embryonic stem cells.

Scientific Reports. 2015 Mar 30;5:9516.(IF- 4.0) Sheshadri P Ashwini A Jahnavi S Bhonde R Prasanna J Kumar A

Making surrogate β-cells from mesenchymal stromal cells: perspectives and future endeavors

Int J Biochem Cell Biol. (2014) 46:90-102. (IF-3.14) Bhonde RR Sheshadri P Sharma S Kumar A

Reversal of hyperglycemia by insulin-secreting rat bone marrow- and blastocyst-derived hypoblast stem cell-like cells

PLoS One. 2013 May 9;8(5):e63491. (IF: 2.8) Kumar A Lo Nigro A Gysemans C Cai Q Esguerra C Nelson-Holte M Heremans Y Jiménez-González M Porciuncula A Mathieu C

Zic3 enhances the generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells.

Stem Cells Dev. 2013; 22(14): 2017-25. (IF: 3.15) Declercq J Sheshadri P Verfaillie CM Kumar A

Zic3 induces conversion of human fibroblasts to stable neural progenitor-like cells.

J Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Aug; 4(4):252-5. (IF-4.7) Kumar A Declercq J Eggermont K Agirre X Prosper F Verfaillie CM

Increased ?-cell mass by islet transplantation and PLAG1 overexpression causes hyperinsulinemic normoglycemia and hepatic insulin resistance in mice.

Diabetes (2010) 59 (8): 1957-65. (IF= 7.2). Declercq J Kumar A Janna A Van Diepen Irene O.C.M. Vroegrijk Conn Gysemans Caterina Di Pietro Peter J. Voshol Chantal Mathieu Nadine Ectors

Role of Zinc finger transcription factor Zic3 in neuronal development

2011-01-01 Meghana

Role of intracellular protein degradation in self-renewal of pluripotent stem cells

2011-01-01 Ashwinin