Two-day seminar on Revisiting Gandhian Philosophy and Politics

Start Date: April 24, 2015

End Date: April 25, 2015

The Gandhian and Peace Studies, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Academy of Higher Education in collaboration with Department of Geopolitics and 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Relations will hold a two-day seminar on Revisiting Gandhian Philosophy and Politics on April 24 and 25, 2015. It is an attempt to understand Gandhi in greater depth, subjecting his philosophy and politics to closer scrutiny.
The seminar intends to focus on certain Gandhian notions and his constant struggle to realize them in practical politics particularly through major mass movements. The inaugural address will be delivered by Dr H Vinod Bhat, Pro Vice Chancellor of 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Academy of Higher Education at 10 am on April 24, 2015 in the department.
The topics and speakers in the seminar are - Mahatma Gandhi’s World-view (key-note): Prof Arvind Kumar, Roots and Shoots of Gandhian Philosophy: Prof Varadesh Hiregange, The 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 African Days: Dr Tungesh G M, Non-cooperation Movement and its implications: Dr Praveen Kumar, Salt Satyagraha and its Relevance in the Contemporary World: Dr Ravindranathan, A leap forward: Quit India movement - Dr Monish Tourangbam, Women in Gandhian politics: Dr Padma Rani, Understanding final years and Gandhi’s Assasination: Prof K Phaniraj.
The venue of the seminar is Lecture Hall - 1, First Floor, Old TAPMI Building. The registration is open now. There is no registration fee and certificate will be given to those who will attend both the days. Last date for registration is 20 April, 2015.
Anybody can register; however undergraduate and post-graduate students will be given priority. Those who intend to register, need to send an email to with their name, address, current preoccupation, email id and phone number or a letter may be sent to Director, Gandhian and Peace Studies, Ist floor, Old Tapmi Building (Near 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 post-office) 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 – 576104.

Prof Varadesh Hiregange, Director, Gandhian and Peace Studies, 亚洲通_亚洲通官网 Academy of Higher Education, Ph – 91 99027 10092

Click here for the Event Brochure